Fast Fixes

Get better website words, sooner.

Get on the fast track to a better website with my quick content services.

You’ll be smiling with my fast fixes designed to make your website work sooner.

Choose from a quickie home page critique or a comprehensive website review to get professional feedback on what is (and isn’t) working with your website structure and messaging.

Or book me for a Copy Sprint where you get 4 hours of copywriting power to with my intensive half-day sessions that let you skip the wait-list and get your copy now.

Fast fixes with a website copywriter

Website Reviews

Is your website letting your business down, but you don’t know why or where? With my website reviews, you’ll get smart actionable advice to make your website work better.

Comprehensive Website Review

  • My Comprehensive Website Review will draw back the curtain and give you actionable advice to improve your website.

  • I’ll give you feedback on your copy, messaging, layout, navigation, user experience (UX) and calls to action for up to 5 website pages.

  • You’ll get:

  •  1 x video recording of my detailed and in-depth feedback

  •  1 x written report with the actions you should take to increase sales, improve search engine rankings and clarify your message

  •  1 x mini SEO audit to identify any major issues keeping traffic from your site

  •  1 x keyword report to see what keywords your site ranks for

  •  1 x copy of my ultimate website tips to help you make your website work harder

  •  1 x 30-minute follow up call to ask questions about your report

  •  (Prices include GST.)

Copywriting intensive with Joh Kohler, Compelling Copy

Copy Sprints

An on-demand copywriting intensive for when you need a little copy now.

When you book a copy sprint, you’ll get 4-hours of my uninterrupted time to turn your draft or ready-to-go research into clear, consistent, easy-to-read, and SEO-friendly website content.

With a copy sprint, you get 4 hours of laser-focused copywriting power, and your website copy gets the workout it needs to make it better, clearer and easier for your customers to connect with your business.

Who’s this for?

A copy sprint is ideal for you if you need:  

  • Better sales copy (your website sales or service page isn’t converting, and you need an experienced conversation copywriter to edit it and offer advice on how to make it work better).
  • A draft review (you’ve written a solid draft for up to 3 pages of your website, but you need an experienced website writer to review your work and make sure your message really hits the mark and will work in a website context).
  • An optimised blog post (you’ve got a solid blog post idea and briefing notes, but you need an SEO-trained and reader-focused writer to structure it, draft it, polish it and make it ready for publication).
  • A short customer case study or professional profile (you want to shine a light on a successful project or key member of staff, but you don’t have time to interview them and write their story in a way that will engage your customers).
  • Clear and concise content (your existing content is overly complicated and your audience doesn’t know what you’re trying to say. You need a plain-language writer to break it down and make it easier to understand).

Copy sprints aren’t for you if you:

  • Don’t know where to start (you know your website needs work, but you don’t know what yet. Book a free chat. I might be able to help you get clear on your strategy or guide you to other service providers who offer what you need).
  • Need a comprehensive update (you want to do a major overhaul of your website copy, not just tweak the message on a couple of pages. Take a look at my full-service website copywriting options.)
  • Need a new customer-focused content strategy (you don’t know what your customers really want or how your message can best connect with them. I can help, but this work needs more time than a copy sprint. Get in touch for a no-obligation chat.)

What can I do in 4 hours?

When you book a copy sprint, you’ll get me laser-focused on your project for 4 solid hours.

In 4 hours, I can usually:

  • Rewrite or edit up to 3 existing or draft website pages (depending on page size)
  • Write a 600 to 1,000-word blog post (based on your idea and briefing notes)
  • Restructure and rewrite up to 3 pages of overly complicated content , turning it into easy-to-understand plain language copy (depending on page size)

Before you book your copy sprint, let’s talk about what you need and what I think I can achieve in your sprint time.

What about revisions?

Copy sprints don’t include the revisions that come with my full website copywriting packages. But if it fits into the allotted 4 hours, we can work on revisions before the time runs out. (To do this, you need to be available for the entire session so we can live-chat drafts and revisions.)

When will I get my copy?

I’ll send you your super speedy copy within 24 hours of your copy sprint session.

How it works

  1. You get in touch to let me know you’re interested in a copy sprint.
  2. We have a quick (free) chat to work out if your project suits a copywriting intensive (and if you change your mind and don’t want to book, no problems, no obligation).
  3. If you want to go ahead, we’ll book your copy sprint at a time that suits us both.
  4. I send you an invoice so you can pre-pay for your copy sprint, securing your time in my schedule.
  5. I send you a short briefing questionnaire.
  6. You send me your answers and any drafts or background materials.
  7. We jump on a quick call right before your session to make sure we’re on the same page(don’t worry, the call doesn’t come out of your 4 hours and you don’t need to be available throughout your entire copy sprint unless we’ve agreed that you should be – this will depend on the nature and needs of your sprint).
  8. I spend 4 laser-focused hours crafting words, content, strategy, ideas or research to help solve your most pressing website copy problem.
  9. I send your polished copy, improved web page, optimised blog post or other pieces of work.

You solve your copy problem with no fuss, no stress and in next to no time.

Price: $600 (including GST)

Are you ready for a copy sprint? Let’s have a (FREE) chat first to make sure I can achieve your goals in the allocated time.

Want a website that works sooner? Book a fast fix today.

Contact Compelling Copy, website copywriter